Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Visit

Springfield Art Guild has their annual show @ Greenspring Gardens in NoVa this month. Guess where I was. I have 3 pieces there. I thought it was cool that a photographer received BIS for a change (not me, though). I guess I could feel bad/sad/mad but accolades are not really that important to me. If my wife likes it and I like it, that is just fine by me. What does frost my goat is when a piece wins that is simply crap (not in this case, btw). Just what IS the criteria for art judging ? Is it like baseball or football where blindness is a prerequisite and cranial-rectal inversion an asset ? Or more like basketball, where it is who you are and not what you do ? Read a story on the interwebs that a gentleman called a gallery hosting an international art show and asked the employee(s) to collect the trash left behind from the unboxing of the other entrants and put it in a pile with tape around the border. That would be his entry !!! You bet your last dollar he won first prize and several thousand $$$ for it. So I don't really get angry or sad at not winning. I am far more concerned with getting better at photography in my own mind and having fun with it.

It is becoming apparent that I still have an intense love for photographing plant life. It provides so much opportunity to explore color, lighting, and composition. I threw in a black & white for texture and form to see if anyone noticed. The bottom one is one of my favorites from the day.

I am thinking about a "photography excursion" in October where me and a couple of other photogs find a place one Sat or Sun to go shooting together and have some coffee or lunch or something to talk shop or whatever. Kinda like "real" artists ; ) No pressure, just out and about in a positive and supportive artistic environment for a few hours. Let me know here or via email if you are interested. I would like to do this maybe once a month, maybe not. Who knows ? Let's do one and find out, shall we ?


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