Today reminded me of an Ansel Adams story. Paul Strand came to visit in Yosemite for a week. The weather wasn't co-operative, he seemed depressed and cold. Adams offered him use of any camera but all offers were declined. At the end of the week, Strand said,"I saw a stump I want to photograph sometime."
Life gets in the way of living all too often. After digging out for 2 days, I am tired. There are so many projects that can't seem to get started with any momentum, that I think I understand how Strand felt. There is just so much. So much to photograph, edit, and print. Too much to do at my day job. SO much to do at home before the holidays. So much to get ready for upcoming shows. And then the snow comes. And comes. And comes........Just another thing to get done before enjoying life and all its gifts. Catholic Guilt ? Being TOO responsible ? Doomed to "Have to... ?"
I took 1/2 hour to go out for myself and shoot this morning before the shoveling began anew. I was struck by the wind-swept snow drifts by my lake and the forms they created. The same, yet not. Always changing yet remaining essentially the same. Slogging through thigh high snow. Never realizing how cold and uncomfortable I really was until I was almost home. It's nice to be able to focus that hard. It was a good thing.
email me if you don't get the title reference (here's a hint: the recent remake was atrocious !)
Bon Chance !